Taxis are a great way to navigate between events. They book up fast though so plan ahead! Here are a list of taxi numbers to keep close to hand during your visit:

Central Speyside

Ace Taxis -

01343 820820 / 07383 820820 (Dufftown) / 07725995277 (Speyside)

Craigellachie Cars - 07960 567 118


C & R Taxis - 01343 546546

A1 Cabs - 01343 569169

S R Travel – 07734 973 793/07825 816 388

2-4-7 Cars - 01343 542224 / 07375 365 247

DMB Taxis - 07900 160 101 / 07555 407 177


D B Taxis - 07704 737508


Kinloss Taxis and Private Hire - 07771 911192


Ace Taxis - 01343 820 820


Ace Taxis - 01343 820 820 / 01542 839404

Taxi4you - 01542 685222


Alec Logan Minibus Hire - 07966 489 985

Lossie Taxis - 01343 815999


Mundole Taxis - 01309 673168

Spot on Cabs - 01309 671717


Lindsay Jack - 07821 111 925 & 01479 872442

Johnny's Taxis - 01479 851 375 / 07989 571 614


A2Z Taxis & Tours - 01542 780 257 / 07554 335 781

Millview Private Hire - 07879 695 976

Keith Kabs - 01542 662477

Dods Taxi - 01542 887473

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